• Locations
  • admin@allergenmedicalgroup.com
  • 03 7046 6655

Has been working since 2000

A Great Place to Work. A Great Place to Receive Care. Leading Medicine.

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Let’s see our intro video

If your smile is not becoming to you, then you should be coming to me!

Why Chose us

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  • Qualified facilities

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  • Top Level Doctors

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  • Dedicated patient care

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  • 24/7 Emergency

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Meet Our Specialists

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Jessica Jones


Ahel Natasha


Gabriela Beckett


Jessica Jones


Dr. Mittal Patel

Specialist in General Medicine and Allergy and Immunology.

Gabriela Beckett


Dr. John Maxwell


Please Note: There have been a number of important changes to the allergy clinic.

The Werribee clinic has been closed and all patients will be transferred to the clinic in Essendon North.

The Epping Private Specialist Centre has also been closed down as of 30 November 2022. As a result, after this date, all patients will be transferred to the Essendon North Clinic. Please see details in the contact us section.

There is a new telephone number to contact us: 03 7046 6655 as of 1 December 2022. Please bear with us during this time as we make the difficult transition.

If you cannot get through by telephone, kindly email us on admin@allergenmedicalgroup.com